Test Bank For Psychology Applied to Contemporary Life 11th Edition By Weiten Dunn Hammer
ISBN-10: 1285459954, ISBN-13: 978-1285459950
Table Of Contents
Ch 1: Adapting to the Modern World
Anomaly of Progress
Pursuit of Orientation
Psychology of Adaptation
Scientific Approaches to Behavior
Roots of Well-being: A Data-based Study
Application: Enhancing Academic Achievements
Chapter 1: Summary
Chapter 1: Exam
Ch 2: Personality Theories
Nature of Personality
Psychodynamic Views
Behavioral Views
Human-centered Views
Biological Views
Modern Empirical Approaches to Personality
Culture and Personality
Application: Evaluating Your Personality
Chapter 2: Summary
Chapter 2: Exam
Ch 3: Pressure and Its Impacts
Understanding Stress
Main Stressors
Dealing with Stress
Potential Ramifications of Stress
Influencing Factors on Stress Tolerance
Application: Stress Reduction through Self-Discipline
Chapter 3: Summary
Chapter 3: Exam
Ch 4: Coping Mechanisms
Essence of Coping
Typical Limited Coping Patterns
Constructive Coping Dynamics
Appraisal-based Positive Coping
Problem-solving Positive Coping
Emotion-centric Positive Coping
Application: Better Time Management Techniques
Chapter 4: Summary
Chapter 4: Exam
Ch 5: Psychology and Physical Well-being
Stress, Personality, and Health
Routines, Lifestyles, and Health
Responses to Sickness
Application: Grasping the Impact of Medications
Chapter 5: Summary
Chapter 5: Exam
Ch 6: The Concept of The Self
Fundamentals of Self-Recognition
Self-Image Management
Application: Cultivating Self-Confidence
Chapter 6: Summary
Chapter 6: Exam
Ch 7: Social Cognition and Social Influence
Building Impressions About Others
Combatting Prejudice
Influence of Persuasion
Force of Social Pressure
Application: Recognizing Coercive Strategies
Chapter 7: Summary
Chapter 7: Exam
Ch 8: Interactional Communication
Art of Social Communication
Non-verbal Interaction
Striving for Enhanced Communication
Communication Hurdles
Interpersonal Disagreements
Application: Cultivating an Assertive Communication Method
Chapter 8: Summary
Chapter 8: Exam
Ch 9: Companionship and Affection
Elements of Intimate Relationships
Development of Relationships
Romantic Feelings
Online Platforms and Relationships
Application: Combating Solitude
Chapter 9: Summary
Chapter 9: Exam
Ch 10: Matrimony and Close Connections
Challenges to Traditional Marriage Norms
Choosing Marriage
Marital Adjustment Over Family Life Phases
Sensitive Spots in Marital Adaptation
Divorce and Its Outcomes
Alternative Relationship Patterns
Application: Comprehending Violence in Intimate Relationships
Chapter 10: Summary
Chapter 10: Exam
Ch 11: Gender and Conduct
Stereotypes Based on Gender
Gender Divergences and Likenesses
Biological Bases of Gender Disparities
Environmental Causes of Gender Disparities
Gender Expectations
Gender Currently and in the Future
Application: Deciphering Mixed-Gender Conversations
Chapter 11: Summary
Chapter 11: Exam
Ch 12: Unfolding and Manifestation of Sexuality
Evolution into a Sexual Entity
Interactions in Sexual Bonds
Human Sexual Responses
Sexual Display
Varieties of Sexual Conduct
Practical Aspects of Sexual Behavior
Application: Enhancing Intimate Relationships
Chapter 12: Summary
Chapter 12: Exam
Ch 13: Jobs and Employment
Picking a Vocation
Career Choice and Development Models
Alteration in Work Trends
Dealing with Job-related Risks
Harmonizing Work and Other Life Aspects
Application: Advancing in the Employment Arena
Chapter 13: Summary
Chapter 13: Exam
Ch 14: Mental Illnesses
Deviation from Normal Behavior: General Ideas
Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Melancholy and Bipolar Maladies
Schizophrenia Complexes
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Application: Comprehending Eating Disorders
Chapter 14: Summary
Chapter 14: Exam
Ch 15: Psychological Healing
Segments of the Healing Process
Therapy for Insight
Behavioral Therapies
Medical Therapies
Current Treatment Trends
Application: Seeking a Therapeutic Counsel
Chapter 15: Summary
Chapter 15: Exam
Ch 16: Optimistic Psychology
Domain of Positive Psychology
Favorable Subjective Encounters
Positive Personal Traits
Constructive Institutions
Positive Psychology: Obstacles and Potentials
Application: Uplifting Your Own Contentment
Chapter 16: Summary
Chapter 16: Exam
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